
A tool to run docker images with customized local support injected for things like nvidia support. And user id specific files for cleaner mounting file permissions.

Integrated Extensions

There are a number of integrated extensions here's some of the highlights. You can get full details on the extensions from the main rocker --help command.

  • x11 -- Enable the use of X11 inside the container via the host X instance.

  • nvidia -- Enable NVIDIA graphics cards for rendering

  • cuda -- Enable NVIDIA CUDA in the container

  • user -- Create a user inside the container with the same settings as the host and run commands inside the container as that user.

  • home -- Mount the user's home directory into the container

  • pulse -- Mount pulse audio into the container

  • ssh -- Pass through ssh access to the container.

As well as access to many of the docker arguments as well such as device, env, volume, name, network, and privileged

NVIDIA Settings

For the NVIDIA option this has been tested on the following systems using nvidia docker2:

Ubuntu distributionLinux KernelNvidia drivers



nvidia-384 (works) nvidia-340 (doesn't work)


nvidia-390 (works)



nvidia-driver-460 (works)



nvidia-driver-470 (works)

Last updated