7️Software Architecture Design

Software Design Document

A software design document (SDD) is a comprehensive guide that outlines the architecture, structure, and behavior of a software system to be developed. It serves as a blueprint for software engineers, designers, and stakeholders, providing a clear understanding of how the software will be built, its components, and their interactions.

An SDD typically includes the following elements:

  1. Introduction: An overview of the software project, its purpose, objectives, and intended audience.

  2. Scope: Defines the boundaries of the software, including what features are included and what functionalities are excluded.

  3. Architectural Design: Describes the overall architecture of the system, including high-level components, modules, and their interactions. It may include diagrams like UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams, such as class diagrams or sequence diagrams.

  4. Detailed Design: Provides detailed descriptions of individual components, their functionalities, interfaces, algorithms, data structures, and how they work together. This section often includes flowcharts, state diagrams, or other diagrams specific to the software's functionalities.

  5. Data Design: Explains the data model, database schema, data storage mechanisms, and data flow within the system.

  6. User Interface Design: Describes the user interface layout, navigation, interaction patterns, and usability considerations.

  7. Dependencies: Identifies external dependencies such as libraries, APIs, hardware components, or other systems that the software relies on.

  8. Security Considerations: Outlines security measures, access controls, encryption methods, and data protection strategies implemented within the software.

  9. Performance Considerations: Addresses performance-related aspects, including scalability, response times, resource utilization, and optimization strategies.

  10. Testing and Quality Assurance: Describes the testing approach, test cases, and quality assurance measures to ensure the software meets specified requirements.

Here's a simplified example excerpt from a fictional medical software SDD:

Software Design Document

1. Introduction

This document outlines the design specifications for MediCare, a medical records management system intended for healthcare institutions to store, retrieve, and manage patient data securely.

2. Scope

MediCare will include modules for patient registration, appointment scheduling, medical history tracking, and prescription management. However, it will not include billing or insurance processing functionalities.

3. Architectural Design

The system will follow a three-tier architecture: presentation layer, application layer, and data layer. The presentation layer will include a web-based user interface. The application layer will handle business logic, while the data layer will use a relational database to store patient information.

4. Detailed Design - Patient Registration Module

The patient registration module will include forms for capturing demographic information, medical history, and insurance details. Data will be validated using client-side and server-side checks.

5. Data Design

The database schema will include tables for patients, appointments, medical history, and prescriptions, ensuring referential integrity and normalization.

6. User Interface Design

The UI will feature intuitive forms for data entry, dropdowns for selecting medical conditions, and secure login functionality for authorized users.

7. Dependencies

The system will utilize an external authentication service for user login and a secure data storage solution compliant with HIPAA regulations.

8. Security Considerations

Access controls will be implemented, restricting sensitive data access based on user roles. Data transmission will be encrypted using SSL/TLS protocols.

9. Performance Considerations

Caching mechanisms will optimize data retrieval, and load balancing will be employed for scalability during peak usage.

10. Testing and Quality Assurance

Unit tests for each module, integration tests, and user acceptance tests will ensure compliance with functional and non-functional requirements.

This example provides a basic overview of how an SDD might outline the design aspects of a medical software system.

IEC 62304 Risk Classification

IEC 62304 is an international standard that specifies the life cycle requirements for the development of medical device software. This standard defines processes and activities throughout the software development life cycle, emphasizing risk management and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medical device software.

Risk classification, as outlined in IEC 62304, categorizes medical device software into different classes based on the potential harm it could cause if there's a malfunction or failure. The risk classification helps determine the level of rigor required in the software development process and the documentation needed for regulatory compliance.

IEC 62304 classifies medical device software into three classes:

  1. Class A: Software that presents the lowest risk. Failure or malfunction of Class A software is unlikely to cause serious harm or damage to health.

  2. Class B: Software that represents moderate risk. Failure or malfunction of Class B software could potentially cause harm but is not likely to result in death or severe injury.

  3. Class C: Software that poses the highest risk. Failure or malfunction of Class C software could lead to death or severe injury.

The risk classification considers various factors, including:

  • Severity of potential harm

  • Probability of occurrence of harm

  • Controllability of the harm by the user or other means

  • The nature of the medical information being processed or handled by the software

  • The intended use environment

Each class has specific requirements regarding documentation, verification, validation, and other aspects of the software development process. Higher-risk classes (B and C) generally require more extensive testing, risk analysis, and documentation compared to lower-risk Class A software.

Developers and manufacturers of medical device software must follow the appropriate guidelines and procedures based on the risk classification of their software as defined by IEC 62304 to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and to prioritize patient safety.

Usability Engineering

Usability engineering is a discipline focused on ensuring that products, systems, or interfaces are designed to be intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly. In the context of medical devices or software, usability engineering is critical as it directly impacts the safety, effectiveness, and user acceptance of these products in healthcare settings.

Key aspects of usability engineering include:

  1. User-Centered Design (UCD): It involves understanding the needs, abilities, and limitations of users to create products that are tailored to their requirements. This process often involves user research, personas, and user feedback throughout the design and development phases.

  2. Usability Testing: This involves evaluating a product with representative users to identify usability issues and gather feedback. It may involve techniques such as user testing, heuristic evaluation, and cognitive walkthroughs.

  3. Usability Requirements: Defining specific usability requirements and goals that the product should achieve to ensure an optimal user experience. These requirements may cover aspects like ease of learning, efficiency, memorability, error prevention, and user satisfaction.

  4. User Interface (UI) Design: Designing interfaces that are intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually clear. It involves considerations of information architecture, layout, typography, color schemes, and interactive elements to enhance usability.

  5. Iterative Design and Evaluation: Continuously refining the design based on user feedback and testing results. This iterative process helps identify and address usability issues throughout the development lifecycle.

In medical devices and software, usability engineering is especially crucial due to the critical nature of healthcare tasks performed using these technologies. Poor usability can lead to errors, reduce efficiency, and even endanger patient safety. Therefore, complying with usability engineering standards and guidelines is essential. Regulatory bodies such as the FDA in the United States and the IEC 62366 standard provide guidance on usability engineering processes for medical devices and software.

Ultimately, usability engineering aims to create products that are not only functional and efficient but also easy and safe for healthcare professionals to use, contributing to improved patient care and outcomes.

IEC 62366

IEC 62366 is an international standard that outlines requirements for the application of usability engineering to medical devices. It focuses on ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medical devices by emphasizing the importance of usability throughout the design and development process.

Key aspects of IEC 62366 include:

  1. Usability Engineering Process: The standard defines a structured usability engineering process that should be integrated into the overall development lifecycle of medical devices. This includes activities such as user research, defining user requirements, designing for usability, and validating usability through testing and evaluation.

  2. Use of Risk Management: IEC 62366 emphasizes the integration of usability engineering with risk management processes. It requires the identification and mitigation of potential use-related hazards that could arise from the device's use errors.

  3. User Interface Design and Evaluation: The standard provides guidance on designing user interfaces that are intuitive, efficient, and easy to use by healthcare professionals. It emphasizes the importance of iterative design and evaluation to refine the interface based on user feedback and usability testing.

  4. Documentation Requirements: IEC 62366 specifies documentation needs throughout the usability engineering process. This includes documenting user needs, intended use environments, use-related hazards, usability test plans and results, and other relevant information.

  5. Post-Market Surveillance: It addresses post-market surveillance considerations, encouraging manufacturers to monitor and collect feedback on the usability of devices that are already in use, allowing for continuous improvement based on real-world usage.

Compliance with IEC 62366 is essential for manufacturers developing medical devices as it helps ensure that the devices are designed with consideration for user needs, capabilities, and limitations. It aims to reduce the occurrence of use-related errors and enhance the overall usability and safety of medical devices.

Regulatory bodies, such as the FDA in the United States and similar organizations in other regions, often reference IEC 62366 as a guideline for demonstrating compliance with usability engineering requirements when seeking approval for medical devices. Manufacturers are expected to integrate these principles into their development processes to ensure that their products meet the usability standards outlined in IEC 62366.

Human Factors

Human factors in medical devices refer to the interaction between the device and the people who use them, including healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers, and other stakeholders. Considering human factors is critical in designing medical devices to ensure usability, safety, and effectiveness. Here are key aspects of human factors in medical devices:

  1. User Interface Design: Designing interfaces that are intuitive, easy to navigate, and tailored to the needs of users. This includes considerations for display readability, button placement, menu structures, and feedback mechanisms.

  2. Ergonomics: Ensuring that the physical design of the device, including size, shape, and controls, is ergonomic and comfortable for users to handle and operate during clinical procedures or patient care.

  3. User Training and Documentation: Providing clear and comprehensive instructions, manuals, and training materials to enable users to understand and operate the device effectively. Intuitive design can reduce the need for extensive training.

  4. Error Prevention: Designing devices with features that prevent or mitigate user errors. This includes clear labeling, color-coding, redundancies, and alerts to prevent mistakes that could lead to patient harm.

  5. Feedback and Alerts: Incorporating feedback mechanisms and alerts to inform users of device status, errors, or critical situations. These should be clear, timely, and easily understandable.

  6. Workflow Integration: Ensuring that the device integrates seamlessly into existing clinical workflows. Devices that fit well within established practices are more likely to be adopted and used correctly.

  7. User Research and Testing: Conducting user research, usability testing, and validation studies with representative users to identify usability issues and improve device design iteratively.

  8. Age and Population Considerations: Considering the diverse range of users, including variations in age, physical abilities, and cognitive capabilities, and designing devices that accommodate different user demographics.

  9. Regulatory Compliance: Meeting regulatory standards and guidelines, such as those outlined in IEC 62366, which emphasize human factors and usability engineering in medical device design and development.

Considering human factors in the design and development of medical devices is crucial to create devices that are not only functional but also easy and safe to use in clinical settings. It can significantly impact user satisfaction, device adoption rates, and patient safety outcomes.


SOUP stands for "Software Of Unknown/Undetermined/Unreliable Provenance," and in the context of medical device software development, it refers to any software component that is acquired or used within the development process but whose origin, quality, or proper functioning cannot be fully verified.

SOUPs can include third-party libraries, open-source software, legacy code, or any pre-existing software components integrated into the medical device software. These components are often obtained externally and may not have undergone the same rigorous testing, validation, or quality control processes as the rest of the medical device software.

Key considerations regarding SOUPs in medical device software development include:

  1. Risk Management: SOUPs introduce potential risks to the overall system's safety, reliability, and regulatory compliance. Therefore, identifying, assessing, and managing these risks is crucial.

  2. Verification and Validation: Extra attention is needed to verify and validate SOUPs to ensure they function as intended and don’t compromise the safety or effectiveness of the medical device.

  3. Documentation: Comprehensive documentation detailing the use, functionality, and potential risks associated with SOUPs is necessary for regulatory compliance and traceability.

  4. Risk Mitigation Strategies: Implementing strategies to mitigate risks associated with SOUPs, such as conducting thorough assessments, implementing fallback mechanisms, or developing alternative solutions if issues arise.

Regulatory bodies, such as the FDA in the United States, provide guidelines and recommendations for managing SOUPs in medical device software development. Developers and manufacturers are responsible for assessing the risks associated with using SOUPs and ensuring that they don’t compromise the safety, efficacy, or regulatory compliance of the final medical device.

Applying Human Factors and Usability Engineering to Medical Devices; Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff

Human Factors and Usability Engineering -- Guidance for Medical Devices Including Drug-device Combination Products

Last updated