3️The Healthcare Environment

EHR, PACS, Data Privacy, and Cybersecurity

The Clinical Environment

Electronic Health Records (EHR) vs Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)

Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) are both integral parts of modern healthcare technology, but they serve different purposes within the medical field.

  1. Electronic Health Records (EHR):

    • Definition: EHRs are digital versions of patients' paper charts. They contain a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory test results.

    • Purpose: EHRs allow healthcare providers to access comprehensive and up-to-date information about a patient's health. They streamline healthcare processes by making patient information readily available to authorized users, enhancing coordination between different providers, and improving patient care through easy access to medical data.

  2. Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS):

    • Definition: PACS is a system designed primarily for the storage, retrieval, distribution, and presentation of medical images. It's used mainly by radiologists and other healthcare professionals dealing with imaging studies like X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds.

    • Purpose: PACS streamlines the workflow of medical imaging by digitizing images and making them available for viewing, analysis, and storage. It enables healthcare providers to access and interpret images remotely, collaborate with colleagues, and integrate images with patients' electronic health records.

In essence, while EHRs manage comprehensive patient health records, PACS specifically focuses on managing medical images, ensuring their accessibility and integration with the broader electronic health system. Together, these systems play a crucial role in improving healthcare delivery, patient care, and the efficiency of medical practices.


HL7, or Health Level Seven, is a set of international standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information. It's a framework specifically designed to enable seamless communication between different healthcare information systems.

Here are key aspects of HL7:

  1. Standardization: HL7 establishes standards for the format, structure, and content of electronic health data to ensure consistency and interoperability between various healthcare systems and applications.

  2. Message Formats: HL7 defines message formats that enable the transmission of clinical and administrative data between different healthcare software applications. The most commonly used standards are HL7 version 2 (HL7 v2) and HL7 version 3 (HL7 v3), each with its own specifications and uses.

  3. Integration: HL7 standards facilitate the integration of disparate systems, such as electronic medical records (EMRs), laboratory information systems, pharmacy systems, and more, allowing them to communicate and share information effectively.

  4. Interoperability: By adhering to HL7 standards, healthcare systems can ensure that data can be exchanged and understood across different platforms, regardless of the vendor or specific software used.

  5. Continued Development: HL7 is continually evolving to keep pace with technological advancements and changing healthcare needs. Updates and new versions are introduced to enhance interoperability and address emerging challenges in healthcare data exchange.

The HL7 standards play a crucial role in improving data sharing and connectivity within the healthcare industry. They enable healthcare providers, systems, and applications to communicate efficiently, ultimately contributing to better patient care, streamlined operations, and improved data accuracy and accessibility.


DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. It's a widely used standard in the medical imaging industry that facilitates the exchange, storage, and viewing of medical images and related information among different imaging devices and healthcare information systems.

Key aspects of DICOM include:

  1. Image Standardization: DICOM sets standards for the formatting and communication of medical images, ensuring that images produced by various imaging modalities (like MRI, CT scans, X-rays, ultrasound, etc.) can be interpreted and shared across different systems and software.

  2. Metadata and Information Exchange: It includes not only the image data itself but also important metadata such as patient information, imaging parameters, study descriptions, and other relevant details necessary for proper interpretation and use of the images.

  3. Interoperability: DICOM enables interoperability between different imaging devices and software systems. This means that images captured by one manufacturer's device can be viewed or processed by another manufacturer's software or hardware that supports DICOM standards.

  4. Network Communication: DICOM defines protocols for the transmission of medical images and related data over networks, allowing seamless transfer and access to images between different healthcare facilities or systems.

  5. Security and Compliance: DICOM includes provisions for data security, patient privacy, and compliance with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA to ensure that sensitive medical information remains protected during transmission and storage.

DICOM plays a critical role in modern healthcare by standardizing the way medical images are acquired, stored, transmitted, and interpreted. This standardization ensures that healthcare professionals have access to high-quality images and associated information, regardless of the equipment or systems used, ultimately contributing to better patient care and diagnostic accuracy.

Study & Series & Instance

In the context of medical imaging, a "study," "series," and "instance" refer to different components of the imaging data that help organize and describe the images acquired during a procedure or examination:

  1. Study: A study is a collection of medical images related to a specific procedure or examination performed on a patient. It encompasses all the images acquired during that particular instance of imaging. For example, a study could be an MRI scan of the brain, a CT scan of the abdomen, or a series of X-rays of the chest. Each study is associated with a unique identifier and contains multiple series of images.

  2. Series: A series represents a set of related images acquired during the same phase or aspect of the imaging procedure. Within a study, different series categorize images based on factors such as imaging parameters, imaging planes, or contrast enhancements. For instance, in an MRI study of the brain, there might be different series for T1-weighted images, T2-weighted images, diffusion-weighted images, or contrast-enhanced images. Each series has its own unique identifier within the study.

  3. Instance: An instance refers to a single image or frame within a series. It is the smallest unit of the imaging data and represents a single slice, image, or view captured during the imaging procedure. For example, in a series of MRI images, each slice or individual image represents an instance within that series.

This hierarchical structure of study, series, and instance helps organize and manage medical imaging data, allowing healthcare professionals to efficiently navigate, review, and analyze the images acquired during various diagnostic procedures. The organization into studies, series, and instances aids in the proper interpretation and comparison of images and assists in the documentation of a patient's medical imaging history.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy


HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a U.S. law enacted in 1996 to safeguard sensitive patient health information. Its primary objectives are:

  1. Portability of Health Insurance: HIPAA ensures that individuals can maintain their health insurance coverage when switching jobs or facing certain life events.

  2. Health Information Privacy: It sets national standards to protect patients' medical records and other personal health information from being disclosed without their consent or knowledge.

HIPAA regulations apply to healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses that handle protected health information (PHI). It outlines rules regarding the secure handling, transmission, and access to PHI, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to this sensitive data.

Under HIPAA, patients have rights concerning their health information, including the right to access their medical records, request corrections to inaccuracies, and receive a notice explaining how their health information is used and shared.

Healthcare providers and organizations must comply with HIPAA regulations by implementing measures such as encryption of data, access controls, staff training on privacy policies, and maintaining the confidentiality of patient information.

Violations of HIPAA can result in significant penalties, including fines and even criminal charges in cases of deliberate misuse or unauthorized disclosure of protected health information.


Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) refers to any individually identifiable health information that is transmitted, stored, or maintained in electronic form. It falls under the protections outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

ePHI includes various types of data, such as:

  1. Patient Records: Electronic medical records, including diagnoses, treatment information, prescriptions, and test results.

  2. Personal Identifiers: Information like names, addresses, birth dates, social security numbers, and any other identifying information related to an individual's health status or healthcare services.

Under HIPAA, covered entities (like healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses) must safeguard ePHI to ensure its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This involves implementing technical safeguards (like encryption and access controls), administrative safeguards (such as policies and procedures), and physical safeguards (like secure facilities) to protect electronic health information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

The security standards outlined in HIPAA's Security Rule set the requirements for the protection of ePHI, and any breaches or unauthorized disclosures of this information can lead to severe penalties for the responsible entities. Compliance with HIPAA's regulations concerning ePHI is crucial to maintaining patient trust and avoiding legal consequences.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data privacy and protection law implemented in the European Union (EU) in 2018. It aims to give individuals greater control over their personal data and harmonize data protection laws across the EU member states. GDPR's key aspects include:

  1. Expanded Scope: It applies to organizations operating within the EU and those outside the EU that offer goods or services to EU residents or monitor their behavior.

  2. Consent and Control: GDPR emphasizes obtaining clear and explicit consent from individuals for processing their personal data. It also grants individuals the right to access, rectify, erase, and restrict the processing of their data.

  3. Data Protection Principles: Organizations handling personal data must follow key principles, including lawful, fair, and transparent processing; data minimization; accuracy; storage limitation; integrity and confidentiality; and accountability.

  4. Data Breach Notification: GDPR mandates that organizations report data breaches to the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours of becoming aware of them, unless the breach is unlikely to result in a risk to individuals' rights and freedoms.

  5. Data Transfer Rules: It regulates the transfer of personal data outside the EU to ensure that the same level of protection is maintained when data is transferred to countries or organizations outside the EU.

  6. Stronger Enforcement and Penalties: GDPR introduces significant penalties for non-compliance, including fines of up to €20 million or 4% of global annual turnover, whichever is higher.

GDPR aims to promote transparency, accountability, and stronger data protection practices, placing individuals' rights and privacy at the forefront of how organizations handle and process personal data. Organizations subject to GDPR are required to implement measures to comply with its provisions, ensuring that personal data is handled securely and in accordance with the regulation's requirements.

National Institute of Standards and Technology

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States develops and publishes guidelines, standards, and best practices for various fields, including cybersecurity. NIST's cybersecurity framework and publications provide a comprehensive approach to managing and improving cybersecurity risk.

Here are some key NIST guidelines and publications related to cybersecurity:

  1. NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF): This framework offers a set of voluntary guidelines, standards, and best practices to help organizations manage and mitigate cybersecurity risks. It outlines five core functions—Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover—which form the basis for creating and enhancing cybersecurity programs.

  2. NIST Special Publication 800 Series: This series covers various aspects of cybersecurity and provides detailed guidance on specific topics:

    • SP 800-53: Provides a comprehensive catalog of security and privacy controls for federal information systems and organizations.

    • SP 800-171: Focuses on protecting Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in non-federal systems and organizations.

    • SP 800-30: Offers guidance on conducting risk assessments.

    • SP 800-61: Details incident handling and response.

  3. NIST Cybersecurity Risk Management: NIST emphasizes risk management principles and methodologies through publications like the Risk Management Framework (RMF) to help organizations identify, assess, and mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.

  4. NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Corner: Tailored specifically for small businesses, this resource offers simplified and actionable guidance on cybersecurity practices.

  5. NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guides: These are practical documents that provide detailed cybersecurity solutions for specific industries or use cases. They include step-by-step guidance and reference architectures to help organizations implement cybersecurity practices effectively.

NIST's publications and guidelines are widely respected and used globally by government agencies, industries, and organizations of varying sizes to improve their cybersecurity posture. These resources are considered valuable references for establishing, maintaining, and enhancing robust cybersecurity practices and resilience against cyber threats.

FDA Tiers

The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) has established a framework outlining tiers for medical device cybersecurity, primarily focusing on risk management and mitigation strategies. This framework helps device manufacturers and stakeholders understand and address cybersecurity risks associated with medical devices. As of my last update, the FDA's guidance includes the following tiers:

  1. Tier 1 - Higher Cybersecurity Risk: Devices in this tier are considered to have higher cybersecurity risk, particularly those with the potential for severe patient harm or those more susceptible to exploitation. Manufacturers of devices falling into this tier are expected to implement more stringent cybersecurity risk management practices.

  2. Tier 2 - Moderate Cybersecurity Risk: Devices categorized in this tier have a moderate level of cybersecurity risk. While the potential for patient harm is lower compared to Tier 1 devices, they still require robust cybersecurity measures to mitigate risks effectively.

  3. Tier 3 - Standard Cybersecurity Risk: Devices in this tier have a lower cybersecurity risk profile. The likelihood and impact of a cybersecurity breach on patient safety are minimal compared to higher-tier devices. However, manufacturers are still expected to implement baseline cybersecurity practices to protect against potential vulnerabilities.

The FDA's guidance emphasizes risk-based approaches to cybersecurity, encouraging manufacturers to assess and manage cybersecurity risks specific to their devices throughout the product lifecycle. This includes steps such as risk assessments, threat modeling, vulnerability management, monitoring, and response strategies to address potential vulnerabilities and threats.

The tiers serve as a guideline for device manufacturers to understand the relative risk levels associated with their devices and tailor their cybersecurity practices accordingly. Manufacturers are encouraged to integrate cybersecurity into the design and development processes of medical devices to ensure ongoing safety and effectiveness in the face of evolving cybersecurity threats.

DHSS: Office of Civil Rights. Guidance Regarding Methods for De-identification of Protected health Information

Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

Principles and Practices for Medical Device Cybersecurity

Last updated