Hello World

$ git clone https://github.com/boston-dynamics/spot-sdk.git

Open one terminal,

$ cd ~/spot-sdk/python/examples/estop # or wherever you installed Spot SDK
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt # will install dependent packages
$ python3 estop_nogui.py


Estop w/o GUI running.

[q] or [Ctrl-C]: Quit
[SPACE]: Trigger estop
[r]: Release estop
[s]: Settle then cut estop

Open another terminal,

$ cd ~/spot-sdk/python/examples/hello_spot # or wherever you installed Spot SDK
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt # will install dependent packages
$ export BOSDYN_CLIENT_PASSWORD=password 
$ python3 hello_spot.py


2023-11-22 15:53:30,467 - INFO - Starting lease check-in
2023-11-22 15:53:30,472 - INFO - Powering on robot... This may take several seconds.
2023-11-22 15:53:38,686 - INFO - Robot powered on.
2023-11-22 15:53:38,686 - INFO - Commanding robot to stand...
2023-11-22 15:53:40,361 - INFO - Robot standing.
2023-11-22 15:53:43,381 - INFO - Robot standing twisted.
2023-11-22 15:53:46,383 - INFO - Beginning absolute body control while standing.
2023-11-22 15:53:47,578 - INFO - Finished absolute body control while standing.
2023-11-22 15:53:50,835 - INFO - Added comment "HelloSpot tutorial user comment." to robot log.
2023-11-22 15:53:59,877 - INFO - Robot safely powered off.
2023-11-22 15:53:59,877 - INFO - Lease check-in stopped




# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""Tutorial to show how to use the Boston Dynamics API"""

import argparse
import os
import sys
import time

import bosdyn.client
import bosdyn.client.lease
import bosdyn.client.util
import bosdyn.geometry
from bosdyn.api import trajectory_pb2
from bosdyn.api.spot import robot_command_pb2 as spot_command_pb2
from bosdyn.client import math_helpers
from bosdyn.client.frame_helpers import GRAV_ALIGNED_BODY_FRAME_NAME, ODOM_FRAME_NAME, get_a_tform_b
from bosdyn.client.image import ImageClient
from bosdyn.client.robot_command import RobotCommandBuilder, RobotCommandClient, blocking_stand
from bosdyn.client.robot_state import RobotStateClient
from bosdyn.util import seconds_to_duration

def hello_spot(config):
    """A simple example of using the Boston Dynamics API to command a Spot robot."""

    # The Boston Dynamics Python library uses Python's logging module to
    # generate output. Applications using the library can specify how
    # the logging information should be output.

    # The SDK object is the primary entry point to the Boston Dynamics API.
    # create_standard_sdk will initialize an SDK object with typical default
    # parameters. The argument passed in is a string identifying the client.
    sdk = bosdyn.client.create_standard_sdk('HelloSpotClient')

    # A Robot object represents a single robot. Clients using the Boston
    # Dynamics API can manage multiple robots, but this tutorial limits
    # access to just one. The network address of the robot needs to be
    # specified to reach it. This can be done with a DNS name
    # (e.g. spot.intranet.example.com) or an IP literal (e.g.
    robot = sdk.create_robot(config.hostname)

    # Clients need to authenticate to a robot before being able to use it.

    # Establish time sync with the robot. This kicks off a background thread to establish time sync.
    # Time sync is required to issue commands to the robot. After starting time sync thread, block
    # until sync is established.

    # Verify the robot is not estopped and that an external application has registered and holds
    # an estop endpoint.
    assert not robot.is_estopped(), 'Robot is estopped. Please use an external E-Stop client, ' \
                                    'such as the estop SDK example, to configure E-Stop.'

    # The robot state client will allow us to get the robot's state information, and construct
    # a command using frame information published by the robot.
    robot_state_client = robot.ensure_client(RobotStateClient.default_service_name)

    # Only one client at a time can operate a robot. Clients acquire a lease to
    # indicate that they want to control a robot. Acquiring may fail if another
    # client is currently controlling the robot. When the client is done
    # controlling the robot, it should return the lease so other clients can
    # control it. The LeaseKeepAlive object takes care of acquiring and returning
    # the lease for us.
    lease_client = robot.ensure_client(bosdyn.client.lease.LeaseClient.default_service_name)
    with bosdyn.client.lease.LeaseKeepAlive(lease_client, must_acquire=True, return_at_exit=True):
        # Now, we are ready to power on the robot. This call will block until the power
        # is on. Commands would fail if this did not happen. We can also check that the robot is
        # powered at any point.
        robot.logger.info('Powering on robot... This may take several seconds.')
        assert robot.is_powered_on(), 'Robot power on failed.'
        robot.logger.info('Robot powered on.')

        # Tell the robot to stand up. The command service is used to issue commands to a robot.
        # The set of valid commands for a robot depends on hardware configuration. See
        # RobotCommandBuilder for more detailed examples on command building. The robot
        # command service requires timesync between the robot and the client.
        robot.logger.info('Commanding robot to stand...')
        command_client = robot.ensure_client(RobotCommandClient.default_service_name)
        blocking_stand(command_client, timeout_sec=10)
        robot.logger.info('Robot standing.')

        # Query the robot for its current state before issuing the stand with yaw command.
        # This state provides a reference pose for issuing a frame based body offset command.
        robot_state = robot_state_client.get_robot_state()

        # Tell the robot to stand in a twisted position.
        # The RobotCommandBuilder constructs command messages, which are then
        # issued to the robot using "robot_command" on the command client.
        # In this example, the RobotCommandBuilder generates a stand command
        # message with a non-default rotation in the footprint frame. The footprint
        # frame is a gravity aligned frame with its origin located at the geometric
        # center of the feet. The X axis of the footprint frame points forward along
        # the robot's length, the Z axis points up aligned with gravity, and the Y
        # axis is the cross-product of the two.
        footprint_R_body = bosdyn.geometry.EulerZXY(yaw=0.4, roll=0.0, pitch=0.0)
        cmd = RobotCommandBuilder.synchro_stand_command(footprint_R_body=footprint_R_body)
        robot.logger.info('Robot standing twisted.')

        # Now compute an absolute desired position and orientation of the robot body origin.
        # Use the frame helper class to compute the world to gravity aligned body frame transformation.
        # Note, the robot_state used here was cached from before the above yaw stand command,
        # so it contains the nominal stand pose.
        odom_T_flat_body = get_a_tform_b(robot_state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot,
                                         ODOM_FRAME_NAME, GRAV_ALIGNED_BODY_FRAME_NAME)

        # Specify a trajectory to shift the body forward followed by looking down, then return to nominal.
        # Define times (in seconds) for each point in the trajectory.
        t1 = 2.5
        t2 = 5.0
        t3 = 7.5

        # Specify the poses as transformations to the cached flat_body pose.
        flat_body_T_pose1 = math_helpers.SE3Pose(x=0.075, y=0, z=0, rot=math_helpers.Quat())
        flat_body_T_pose2 = math_helpers.SE3Pose(
            x=0.0, y=0, z=0, rot=math_helpers.Quat(w=0.9848, x=0, y=0.1736, z=0))
        flat_body_T_pose3 = math_helpers.SE3Pose(x=0.0, y=0, z=0, rot=math_helpers.Quat())

        # Build the points in the trajectory.
        traj_point1 = trajectory_pb2.SE3TrajectoryPoint(
            pose=(odom_T_flat_body * flat_body_T_pose1).to_proto(),
        traj_point2 = trajectory_pb2.SE3TrajectoryPoint(
            pose=(odom_T_flat_body * flat_body_T_pose2).to_proto(),
        traj_point3 = trajectory_pb2.SE3TrajectoryPoint(
            pose=(odom_T_flat_body * flat_body_T_pose3).to_proto(),

        # Build the trajectory proto by combining the points.
        traj = trajectory_pb2.SE3Trajectory(points=[traj_point1, traj_point2, traj_point3])

        # Build a custom mobility params to specify absolute body control.
        body_control = spot_command_pb2.BodyControlParams(

        # Issue the command via the RobotCommandClient
        robot.logger.info('Beginning absolute body control while standing.')
        blocking_stand(command_client, timeout_sec=10,
        robot.logger.info('Finished absolute body control while standing.')

        # Capture an image.
        # Spot has five sensors around the body. Each sensor consists of a stereo pair and a
        # fisheye camera. The list_image_sources RPC gives a list of image sources which are
        # available to the API client. Images are captured via calls to the get_image RPC.
        # Images can be requested from multiple image sources in one call.
        image_client = robot.ensure_client(ImageClient.default_service_name)
        sources = image_client.list_image_sources()
        image_response = image_client.get_image_from_sources(['frontleft_fisheye_image'])
        if config.save or config.save_path is not None:
            _maybe_save_image(image_response[0].shot.image, config.save_path)

        # Log a comment.
        # Comments logged via this API are written to the robots test log. This is the best way
        # to mark a log as "interesting". These comments will be available to Boston Dynamics
        # devs when diagnosing customer issues.
        log_comment = 'HelloSpot tutorial user comment.'
        robot.logger.info('Added comment "%s" to robot log.', log_comment)

        # Power the robot off. By specifying "cut_immediately=False", a safe power off command
        # is issued to the robot. This will attempt to sit the robot before powering off.
        robot.power_off(cut_immediately=False, timeout_sec=20)
        assert not robot.is_powered_on(), 'Robot power off failed.'
        robot.logger.info('Robot safely powered off.')

def _maybe_display_image(image, display_time=3.0):
    """Try to display image, if client has correct deps."""
        import io

        from PIL import Image
    except ImportError:
        logger = bosdyn.client.util.get_logger()
        logger.warning('Missing dependencies. Can\'t display image.')
        image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image.data))
    except Exception as exc:
        logger = bosdyn.client.util.get_logger()
        logger.warning('Exception thrown displaying image. %r', exc)

def _maybe_save_image(image, path):
    """Try to save image, if client has correct deps."""
    logger = bosdyn.client.util.get_logger()
        import io

        from PIL import Image
    except ImportError:
        logger.warning('Missing dependencies. Can\'t save image.')
    name = 'hello-spot-img.jpg'
    if path is not None and os.path.exists(path):
        path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path)
        name = os.path.join(path, name)
        logger.info('Saving image to: %s', name)
        logger.info('Saving image to working directory as %s', name)
        image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image.data))
    except Exception as exc:
        logger = bosdyn.client.util.get_logger()
        logger.warning('Exception thrown saving image. %r', exc)

def main(argv):
    """Command line interface."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        '-s', '--save', action='store_true', help=
        'Save the image captured by Spot to the working directory. To chose the save location, use --save_path instead.'
        '--save-path', default=None, nargs='?', help=
        'Save the image captured by Spot to the provided directory. Invalid path saves to working directory.'
    options = parser.parse_args(argv)
        return True
    except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        logger = bosdyn.client.util.get_logger()
        logger.error('Hello, Spot! threw an exception: %r', exc)
        return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if not main(sys.argv[1:]):

Last updated