1️⃣Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems

Introduction to Embedded Systems

How you describe an embedded system

An embedded system is a specialized computer system designed to perform dedicated functions within a larger mechanical or electrical system. It's essentially a combination of hardware and software built to perform specific tasks, often with real-time computing constraints. These systems are typically embedded into devices or machinery to control, monitor, or manage various functions.

Here are some key characteristics:

  1. Purpose-built: Embedded systems are tailored for specific applications or tasks, such as controlling industrial machinery, operating consumer electronics, managing automotive systems, etc.

  2. Hardware & Software Integration: They consist of both hardware components (microcontrollers, microprocessors, sensors, actuators, etc.) and software (firmware, operating systems, application software) working together to achieve their designated functions.

  3. Real-time Operation: Many embedded systems require real-time responses. This means they must process inputs and generate outputs within specific time constraints, often needing quick and deterministic responses.

  4. Low Power Consumption: Many embedded systems are designed for efficiency and operate on minimal power to extend device lifespan or ensure portability in certain applications.

  5. Reliability: These systems often run continuously without human intervention and need to be highly reliable to perform their designated tasks accurately.

  6. Limited Resources: Embedded systems typically have limited computational power, memory, and storage compared to general-purpose computers.

  7. Diverse Applications: They can be found in various fields like automotive, healthcare devices, smart appliances, industrial control systems, robotics, IoT devices, and more.

Overall, embedded systems are everywhere, working quietly behind the scenes to enable the functionality of countless devices and machinery we use daily.

Design flows
  • Idea

  • Specification

  • Repository

  • Iteration

  • Evaluation

  • Validation

Input / Output (I/O)

Reading Input
  • Initiate reading every N (us, ms, s, ...)

    • Timer-based

    • Software initiated.

    • Chance to miss an event.

    • RX buffer

  • Readings at a time of the event

    • Interrupt-based

    • Hardware initiated

    • Reliability - the event will not be missed



  • 8 bits, 9 bits

ADC stands for Analog-to-Digital Converter, while DAC stands for Digital-to-Analog Converter. Both ADC and DAC are crucial components in digital electronics that deal with converting signals between analog and digital formats.

ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter An ADC takes an analog input signal, which is continuous in nature (like sound, temperature, light, etc.), and converts it into a digital format that a computer or digital system can process. This conversion involves taking samples of the analog signal at specific intervals and assigning digital values to these samples. The resulting digital signal is a discrete representation of the original analog signal.

DAC: Digital-to-Analog Converter On the other hand, a DAC performs the opposite function. It takes a digital signal and converts it back into an analog signal. This is necessary when the digital information needs to be output as an analog signal, such as in audio systems, where digital audio files are converted into electrical signals that can be amplified and transmitted through speakers as sound waves.

Both ADCs and DACs are used extensively in various applications including audio systems, telecommunications, industrial automation, medical devices, and more. They play a crucial role in ensuring that analog and digital systems can communicate and work together effectively.



  • Common clock

  • No synchronization information

  • Higher throughput


  • No common clock

  • Data stream has a synchronization information within

  • Less throughput

Synchronous and asynchronous are terms used to describe how components or processes in embedded systems interact with each other with respect to timing and coordination:

  1. Synchronous: In synchronous systems, different parts or processes operate in a coordinated and time-correlated manner. They follow a common clock signal, ensuring that each component or process performs its tasks at specific, synchronized times. This synchronization enables precise timing and coordination among various parts of the system. It's commonly used in scenarios where precise timing is critical, such as in certain communication protocols or when multiple devices need to be tightly synchronized.

  2. Asynchronous: Asynchronous systems, in contrast, don't rely on a common clock signal to coordinate their operations. Components or processes in an asynchronous system operate independently and communicate by sending messages or signals to one another without strict timing dependencies. They don’t need to wait for a global clock signal to initiate their actions, providing more flexibility and potentially simpler design. Asynchronous systems are often used when tasks can occur at unpredictable intervals or when components operate at different speeds.

In embedded systems, the choice between synchronous and asynchronous designs depends on various factors such as the nature of the tasks, power consumption, complexity, and timing requirements. For instance:

  • Real-time applications: Synchronous systems are often preferred for real-time applications where precise timing and coordination are crucial, like in controlling machinery or critical systems.

  • Power efficiency: Asynchronous systems might be more power-efficient because components can operate independently and activate only when necessary, conserving energy.

  • Complexity and scalability: Asynchronous systems might be simpler to design and scale, especially when dealing with components that have varying speeds or when integrating new components into an existing system.

Both synchronous and asynchronous designs have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the embedded system being developed.

Full Duplex/Half Duplex

Full duplex and half duplex refer to communication systems and their capabilities regarding transmission of data:

  1. Full Duplex: In a full-duplex communication system, data transmission can occur simultaneously in both directions. This means that devices can both send and receive data at the same time, enabling two-way communication without any need for switching between sending and receiving modes. Imagine it like a two-way street where traffic can flow in both directions simultaneously.

    • Example: A telephone conversation is a common example of full-duplex communication. Both parties can speak and listen at the same time without interrupting each other.

  2. Half Duplex: In a half-duplex communication system, data transmission can occur in both directions, but not simultaneously. Instead, it alternates between sending and receiving data. It allows communication in both directions, but not at the same time. Think of it like a single-lane road with traffic allowed to flow in both directions, but only one direction at a time.

    • Example: Walkie-talkies operate in half-duplex mode. Users press a button to speak and release it to listen, but both users can't talk and listen simultaneously.

The choice between full duplex and half duplex depends on the requirements of the communication system, the amount of data being transmitted, and the cost and complexity of the system. Full-duplex communication offers faster and more efficient data transmission for scenarios where simultaneous two-way communication is essential. On the other hand, half-duplex communication may be sufficient and more economical for certain applications where the need for simultaneous two-way transmission is not critical.


4 Pins

  • Vcc, GND, Data-, Data+ (differential twisted pair)

Data rate

  • USB1.0 - 1.5Mbit/s

  • USB2.0 - 480 Mbit/s

  • USB3.0 - 5 Gbit/s

  • USB3.1 - 10Gbit/s

USB is a polling based protocol.

USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a widely used interface that connects devices to computers, offering a standardized way to transmit data and provide power. It was developed to simplify the connection of peripherals to computers and has evolved through various versions to enhance speed, power delivery, and versatility.

Here are key aspects of USB:

  1. Connectivity: USB ports are found on computers, laptops, gaming consoles, smartphones, and a vast array of peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice, printers, external storage devices, cameras, and more.

  2. Versions: USB has gone through several iterations, each improving upon speed and capabilities:

    • USB 1.x: Introduced as USB 1.0 in 1996 with a data transfer rate of 1.5 Mbps (Low-Speed) and 12 Mbps (Full-Speed).

    • USB 2.0: Released in 2000 with a maximum data transfer rate of 480 Mbps (High-Speed).

    • USB 3.x: Introduced in 2008, offering faster data transfer rates. USB 3.0 provides up to 5 Gbps (SuperSpeed), USB 3.1 up to 10 Gbps (SuperSpeed+), and USB 3.2 up to 20 Gbps (SuperSpeed+).

    • USB 4: Released in 2019, USB 4 supports data transfer rates of up to 40 Gbps, adds Thunderbolt 3 compatibility, and enhances power delivery.

  3. Power Delivery: USB ports can supply power to connected devices, eliminating the need for separate power adapters for many peripherals. USB Power Delivery (PD) allows devices to negotiate power requirements for faster charging and powering of larger devices like laptops.

  4. Types of Connectors: USB connectors come in various shapes and sizes:

    • USB Type-A: The rectangular, standard connector used in most computers and chargers.

    • USB Type-B: Found in older devices like printers and larger peripherals.

    • USB Type-C: A reversible, smaller connector that's becoming increasingly common. It offers faster data transfer, higher power delivery, and supports various protocols like Thunderbolt.

  5. Functionality: USB supports various functionalities beyond data transfer and power delivery. It can transmit audio, video, and even be used for networking (USB Ethernet adapters). USB OTG (On-The-Go) allows devices like smartphones to act as hosts and connect to other USB devices directly.

USB has become a ubiquitous and versatile standard for connecting devices due to its ease of use, compatibility, and ability to handle a wide range of data transfer needs across multiple devices and platforms.

Polling-based Protocol

A polling-based protocol is a communication method where a controlling device or system regularly queries other devices or nodes to check their status, request data, or assign tasks. In this protocol, the controlling device initiates communication and waits for responses from each device in a predetermined sequence.

Key features of polling-based protocols:

  1. Master-Slave Communication: Typically, there's a master device (the controller) that initiates communication and one or more slave devices that respond to the master's requests.

  2. Sequential Communication: The master device polls each slave device in a predetermined order, asking for information or instructing them to perform specific actions. It waits for a response from each device before moving on to the next.

  3. Controlled Access: Devices only communicate when specifically polled by the master, ensuring orderly data transmission and preventing collisions that might occur in other communication methods.

  4. Predictable Timing: Since communication is initiated by the master device, the timing of communication cycles is generally more predictable compared to other methods like interrupt-driven protocols.

  5. Efficiency and Determinism: Polling can provide a deterministic and predictable approach to manage communication in systems. However, it might introduce some latency, especially if there are many devices to be polled or if the communication cycle is extensive.

Polling-based protocols are commonly used in various communication systems, including networking (such as polling-based network protocols), embedded systems, and industrial automation. For instance, in a bus system where multiple devices share a common communication channel, a master device might sequentially poll each device to gather data or issue commands.

While polling-based protocols offer control and structured communication, they might have limitations in terms of scalability and efficiency, especially in systems with a large number of devices or when real-time responses are crucial. In such cases, other protocols like interrupt-driven communication or event-based protocols might be more suitable.


Serial Peripheral Interface

4 wires

  • Master Out Slave In, Master In Slave Out, Serial Clock, Chip Select

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a synchronous serial communication interface used to transfer data between microcontrollers, sensors, memory devices, displays, and other peripheral devices. It's a popular protocol due to its simplicity, high speed, and versatility in connecting multiple devices.

How SPI Works:

  1. Master-Slave Configuration: SPI operates in a master-slave configuration. The master device controls the communication, and one or more slave devices respond to the master's commands.

  2. Communication Lines: SPI uses four primary lines:

    • SCLK (Serial Clock): This clock signal generated by the master device controls the timing of data transmission.

    • MOSI (Master Output Slave Input): Also known as SDI (Serial Data In), this line carries data from the master to the slave(s).

    • MISO (Master Input Slave Output): Also known as SDO (Serial Data Out), this line carries data from the slave(s) to the master.

    • SS/CS (Slave Select/Chip Select): This line enables the master to select a specific slave device for communication. Each slave typically has its own SS/CS line.

  3. Operation:

    • To initiate communication, the master device selects a specific slave by bringing its corresponding SS/CS line low.

    • The master generates clock pulses (SCLK) while shifting out data on the MOSI line and simultaneously reads data on the MISO line.

  4. Data Transmission:

    • Data transmission in SPI is typically full duplex, allowing simultaneous data transfer in both directions.

    • During each clock cycle, the master sends a bit on MOSI and receives a bit on MISO.

  5. Protocol and Timing:

    • SPI communication follows a specific protocol, often with configurable settings for parameters like clock speed, data order (MSB/LSB), and clock polarity/phase.

    • Timing parameters, such as clock frequency and phase, are defined by the master and must match the slave device's specifications for successful communication.

Example Scenario:

Let's consider a scenario where an Arduino acts as the master device communicating with an SPI-based EEPROM memory chip:

  1. The Arduino as the master selects the specific EEPROM chip it wants to communicate with by pulling its SS/CS line low.

  2. The master generates clock pulses (SCLK) while sending data (e.g., read/write commands) to the EEPROM on the MOSI line.

  3. Simultaneously, the EEPROM chip sends data back to the master on the MISO line in response to the commands.

  4. Once the communication is complete, the master deselects the EEPROM by releasing the SS/CS line.

SPI's simplicity, high speed, and versatility make it a popular choice for communication between microcontrollers and various peripheral devices in embedded systems. Its full-duplex capability and flexibility in connecting multiple devices using multiple slave select lines make it a widely used communication protocol.

Processing Elements of an Embedded System

Embedded Processor
  • Executes instructions sequentially

Different instruction sets

  • x86, RISC (ARM), CISC, etc


  • Behavior of embedded systems can be changed by changing software

Types of embedded processors

  • DSP Processors

  • Microcontrollers

  • Graphics Processors (GPU)

Benefits from specialized processors

Different Optimization goals

  • Performance

  • Energy consumption

  • Versatility

  • Cost

FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)

FPGA stands for Field-Programmable Gate Array. It's a type of integrated circuit that can be programmed and configured by a user or a designer after manufacturing. FPGAs are highly versatile and used in various fields such as digital signal processing, telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, and more.

How FPGA Works:

  1. Configurability: Unlike Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) that are designed for specific purposes and can't be changed after manufacturing, FPGAs are reconfigurable hardware. They consist of an array of configurable logic blocks (CLBs), interconnects, and I/O blocks.

  2. Programming and Configuration:

    • FPGA functionality is defined through a hardware description language (HDL) like Verilog or VHDL. Designers write code that specifies the logical behavior and interconnections of the various components within the FPGA.

    • This code is then synthesized and compiled into a configuration bitstream that configures the internal connections of the FPGA, defining the functionality of the logic blocks and how they interconnect.

  3. Logic Blocks and Interconnects:

    • The basic building blocks of an FPGA are configurable logic blocks (CLBs) that consist of Look-Up Tables (LUTs), multiplexers, flip-flops, and other elements.

    • The interconnects are programmable connections that allow the CLBs, memory blocks, and I/O blocks to be connected in various configurations, providing flexibility in designing complex circuits.

  4. Functionality and Applications:

    • Once programmed, the FPGA can perform various functions, acting like a custom digital circuit tailored for a specific application.

    • FPGAs are used for tasks like signal processing, data acceleration, cryptography, embedded systems, prototyping, and more. They're particularly valuable in scenarios where rapid prototyping, flexibility, and performance are essential.

  5. Reconfiguration:

    • FPGAs can be reprogrammed multiple times to implement different functionalities or to correct errors in the design without requiring physical changes to the hardware.

  6. Development Tools:

    • Designers use specialized software tools provided by FPGA manufacturers to write, simulate, synthesize, and program the FPGAs.


For instance, in a digital signal processing application, an FPGA can be programmed to implement specific algorithms like image processing, audio filtering, or encryption. The designer writes code describing these algorithms in a hardware description language, which, after synthesis and configuration, configures the FPGA to execute those algorithms.

FPGAs offer a balance between the flexibility of software and the performance of dedicated hardware, making them a popular choice for applications where customized, high-speed processing capabilities are required, and where the design requirements may evolve or change over time.

  • Hardware-generated function call

  • Break the current program

  • Sources: I/O or Peripherals

  • Interrupt service routine

  • Different priority levels

Which part of a microcontroller handles logical operations

The central processing unit (CPU) or the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) within a microcontroller is primarily responsible for handling logical operations.

  1. CPU: The CPU in a microcontroller executes instructions fetched from memory. It contains various components, among which the ALU is crucial for performing arithmetic and logical operations.

  2. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit): The ALU is the part of the CPU responsible for executing arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) as well as logical operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) on binary data.

Logical operations, such as bitwise operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT), are fundamental in microcontroller programming for tasks like data manipulation, setting or clearing specific bits in registers, checking conditions, and controlling the flow of a program.

When you write code for a microcontroller, the logical operations are executed by the ALU in response to the instructions generated by the compiler or assembler. These operations help manipulate and process data within the microcontroller, enabling it to perform tasks as per the programmed instructions.

Instruction Execution

The frequency of instruction execution in a processor is influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Clock Speed: The clock speed, measured in hertz (Hz), determines how many instructions a processor can execute per second. A higher clock speed generally allows for faster instruction execution. Processors with higher clock speeds can complete more cycles in a given time, potentially executing instructions at a faster rate.

  2. Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): Different instruction set architectures have varying complexities and execution times for instructions. Some instructions might take longer to execute due to their complexity or the number of clock cycles they require.

  3. Pipelining and Superscalar Architecture: Pipelining allows multiple instructions to be in various stages of execution simultaneously. Superscalar architectures can execute multiple instructions in parallel. Both of these techniques can improve instruction throughput and increase the rate of execution.

  4. Cache Hierarchy and Memory Access: The efficiency of the processor's cache memory and its hierarchy (L1, L2, L3 caches) can significantly impact instruction execution speed. Access to data and instructions stored in the cache is faster than accessing them from slower main memory (RAM).

  5. Dependencies and Branch Prediction: Dependencies between instructions or branch mispredictions can stall the execution pipeline, slowing down the rate of instruction execution. Advanced techniques like branch prediction aim to reduce stalls caused by incorrect predictions.

  6. Hardware Design and Microarchitecture: The design of the processor, its microarchitecture, and the efficiency of its components (ALU, registers, etc.) influence how quickly instructions can be processed and executed.

  7. Instruction Mix and Optimization: The mix of instructions within a program affects execution speed. Some instructions might take longer than others. Optimizing code or using compiler optimizations can sometimes speed up execution by rearranging instructions or using more efficient sequences.

  8. Parallelism and SIMD Instructions: Utilizing parallel processing through techniques like Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD), where a single instruction operates on multiple data elements simultaneously, can increase the rate of instruction execution for certain types of computations.

These factors collectively influence the rate at which instructions can be executed within a processor. Modern processors strive to optimize these factors to improve overall performance and increase the speed of instruction execution.

Overview of Operating Systems and Embedded Operating Systems

Linux Processes

Considered as a program in execution

Process descriptor

  • Run-state

  • address space

  • Open files

Process States:

  • Running

  • Waiting (Interruptible, Uninterruptible)

  • Stopped

  • Zombie

Waiting: A process may enter different waiting states based on the reason it's waiting for. These waiting states include:

  • Interruptible Sleep: The process is waiting for an event to occur and can be woken up by signals.

  • Uninterruptible Sleep: The process is waiting for a resource (like I/O) and cannot be interrupted by signals.

  • Stopped: The process has been stopped, often due to receiving a specific signal (e.g., SIGSTOP).

  • Traced or Debugged: When a process is being traced or debugged, it's in a waiting state.

  • Paging: The process might be waiting for the retrieval of data from disk if it's been swapped out.

In Linux, a process is an executing instance of a program. It represents a running application or task within the operating system. Each process has its own unique process ID (PID) assigned by the system.

Processes in Linux have several characteristics:

  1. PID (Process ID): A unique identification number assigned to each process by the kernel. PIDs help manage and track processes.

  2. Parent and Child Processes: Processes can create new processes, forming a parent-child relationship. The parent process spawns child processes, and these children, in turn, can spawn their own processes.

  3. Attributes: Each process has various attributes, such as its owner, priority, state (running, sleeping, stopped, etc.), memory usage, and more.

  4. Execution State: Processes can be in different states, such as running, sleeping, waiting for input/output (I/O), stopped, or terminated.

  5. Process Hierarchy: Processes are organized into a hierarchy, where a parent process may have multiple child processes, creating a tree-like structure.

  6. Process Control: Linux provides various commands and tools (like ps, top, htop, kill, etc.) to manage and monitor processes. Users or administrators can monitor processes, terminate them, change their priority, or manage their resources.

Processes are fundamental to how the Linux operating system manages tasks and executes programs, allowing for multitasking and concurrent execution of various applications and services.

O(1) Scheduler

The O(1) scheduler was introduced in the Linux kernel version 2.6. O(1) scheduler was a significant improvement over the previous scheduler in terms of scalability and responsiveness in managing CPU tasks.

Before the O(1) scheduler, the Linux kernel used the 2.4 scheduler, which had some performance issues on systems with a large number of processes. The O(1) scheduler was designed to address these limitations by providing constant-time scheduling operations, hence the name O(1).

This scheduler aimed to provide more predictable and efficient task scheduling by maintaining separate priority arrays for tasks, which allowed the scheduler to make quicker decisions about task scheduling based on task priorities.

The introduction of the O(1) scheduler in Linux 2.6 significantly improved the overall performance of the kernel, especially in handling workloads with a large number of processes and threads.

Memory Management

Virtual Memory System

Large Address Space

Memory Protection

Memory Mapping

Fair Physical Memory Allocation

Shared Virtual Memory

Memory management in Linux involves the handling and organization of memory resources within the operating system to efficiently allocate, utilize, and manage system memory for various processes and kernel operations. It encompasses several key components and functionalities:

  1. Virtual Memory: Linux uses a virtual memory system, allowing each process to have its own virtual address space. This system provides isolation between processes and allows the operating system to manage memory efficiently.

  2. Memory Addressing: The memory addresses used by programs are virtual addresses. The kernel translates these virtual addresses into physical addresses using page tables and hardware mechanisms like the Memory Management Unit (MMU) in the CPU.

  3. Memory Allocation: Linux employs different algorithms and mechanisms to allocate and deallocate memory. The kernel uses the buddy system algorithm for managing physical memory, dividing it into blocks of fixed sizes (pages) to fulfill memory allocation requests from processes.

  4. Page Tables: Page tables are used to map virtual addresses to physical addresses. The Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) in the CPU caches these mappings to speed up address translation.

  5. Demand Paging: Linux utilizes demand paging, loading only the required parts of a program into memory when needed. This helps conserve memory resources and improves overall system efficiency.

  6. Swapping and Paging: When the physical memory becomes insufficient, Linux can swap out less-used pages to disk (swap space) and bring them back when needed (paging). This helps prevent memory exhaustion and allows for efficient utilization of both RAM and disk space.

  7. Memory Protection: Linux provides memory protection mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to memory regions. Each process has its own isolated memory space, and the kernel ensures that processes cannot interfere with each other's memory.

  8. Kernel Space and User Space: Linux divides memory into kernel space (used by the operating system) and user space (allocated for user applications). The kernel manages memory in both spaces differently to ensure stability, security, and efficient operation.

Memory management in Linux is a crucial aspect of the operating system, allowing it to efficiently handle multitasking, manage system resources, and provide a stable and responsive environment for various applications and services running on the system. The constant evolution of memory management techniques contributes to improving system performance and resource utilization.


Scheduling defines running order of processes

Linux scheduler is a priority scheduler

  • Process with higher priority runs first

In multi-processor systems there is one process queue per processor

Linux scheduler provides workload balance

In Linux, scheduling refers to the process of managing and allocating system resources, particularly the CPU, among various tasks or processes that are competing for execution. The Linux kernel employs a scheduler that determines which process gets to use the CPU and for how long, aiming to optimize system performance, responsiveness, and fairness.

Here's an overview of how scheduling works in Linux:

  1. Scheduling Policies: Linux supports different scheduling policies, such as the Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS), Real-Time (RT) scheduler, and others. The default CFS aims for fairness among processes, while the RT scheduler prioritizes time-sensitive tasks.

  2. Priority and Nice Values: Each process is assigned a priority value. Lower values denote higher priority. The 'nice' value can be adjusted to influence a process's priority, allowing users or system administrators to control the scheduling behavior.

  3. Time Sharing: The Linux scheduler utilizes time-sharing to allocate CPU time among processes. The scheduler divides the available CPU time into small intervals (time slices or quanta) and assigns these slices to different processes.

  4. Scheduling Classes: Linux categorizes processes into different scheduling classes based on their characteristics. These classes help the scheduler make decisions about how to allocate CPU time.

  5. Scheduling Algorithm: The CFS, introduced in the Linux 2.6 kernel, uses the concept of fair scheduling. It allocates CPU time based on the concept of "fairness" rather than strict priorities. It tries to ensure that every runnable process gets a fair share of the CPU over time, providing good responsiveness to user interactions.

  6. Multicore and Multithreading: Linux handles scheduling across multiple CPU cores and manages processes running on multicore systems efficiently. It supports multicore systems by distributing tasks across available cores to maximize system throughput.

  7. Dynamic Prioritization: The scheduler dynamically adjusts priorities based on various factors like process behavior, I/O operations, CPU usage, etc., to adapt to changing workload conditions.

  8. Load Balancing: Linux employs mechanisms for load balancing, redistributing tasks among available CPU cores to ensure an even distribution of workload and optimize system performance.

Linux's scheduling mechanisms are designed to efficiently manage resources and provide a responsive and fair environment for running multiple processes concurrently. The choice of scheduling policy and algorithms depends on the specific requirements of the workload and system. The scheduler plays a critical role in ensuring that resources are utilized effectively while maintaining system stability and responsiveness.


As events generated by hardware

Change the sequence of executed instructions

Interrupt Categories:

  • Synchronous: produced by CPU's Control Unit

  • Asynchrronous: produced by other hardware

Interrupt Handlers for handling interrupt

In computing, an interrupt is a signal sent by hardware or software to the processor, indicating that an event needs immediate attention. In Linux, interrupts play a crucial role in handling various events, such as hardware device requests, timer ticks, I/O completion, and more.

Here's an overview of interrupts in Linux and how they work:

  1. Types of Interrupts:

    • Hardware Interrupts: Generated by hardware devices (like a keyboard, mouse, disk controller, etc.) to request attention from the CPU.

    • Software Interrupts: Generated by software, such as system calls made by processes requesting kernel services.

  2. Interrupt Handling:

    • When an interrupt occurs, the CPU interrupts its current execution and transfers control to a specific interrupt handler routine.

    • In Linux, interrupt service routines (ISRs) or interrupt handlers are functions defined to handle specific interrupt requests. These handlers are registered in the kernel and are invoked when the corresponding interrupt occurs.

  3. Interrupt Controller:

    • The interrupt controller is a hardware component responsible for managing and prioritizing interrupts from various devices.

    • In Linux, the kernel interacts with the interrupt controller to handle and prioritize hardware interrupts efficiently.

  4. Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT):

    • The Interrupt Descriptor Table is a data structure maintained by the kernel that contains entries for different interrupt vectors. Each entry points to the corresponding interrupt handler routine.

  5. Interrupt Context:

    • When an interrupt occurs, the CPU switches to an interrupt context to handle the interrupt. This context has different constraints compared to the normal execution context.

    • Kernel code executing in the interrupt context must be swift and efficient to handle the interrupt quickly.

  6. Interrupt Request (IRQ):

    • Each hardware device typically has its assigned interrupt request line (IRQ). When a device needs attention, it sends an interrupt signal through its IRQ line to the CPU.

  7. Interrupt Handling in Linux Kernel:

    • Linux kernel uses interrupt handlers to respond to hardware interrupts.

    • Handlers execute quickly and perform necessary actions like acknowledging the interrupt, handling the device request, and sometimes waking up relevant processes waiting for I/O.

Efficient interrupt handling is critical for the performance and responsiveness of a Linux system. The kernel manages interrupts, prioritizes them, and ensures proper handling to address events from hardware devices and software requests while maintaining system stability and responsiveness.

Monolithic kernel vs Microkernel

In a monolithic kernel, all important functions and services of the operating sysetm, such as file system and device drivers, are executed in kernel mode.

The monolithic kernel and microkernel are two different approaches to designing an operating system kernel, which is the core part of an operating system responsible for managing system resources and providing essential services to applications.

Monolithic Kernel:

A monolithic kernel is designed as a single, large piece of software that contains all the essential functionalities of the operating system. This includes device drivers, file system management, scheduling, memory management, and more, all within the kernel space.

Examples of operating systems using a monolithic kernel:

  • Linux: One of the most popular examples, Linux uses a monolithic kernel architecture. It includes various subsystems directly within the kernel, offering high performance due to direct access to system resources.


A microkernel, on the other hand, follows a minimalist design philosophy by keeping the core functionalities of the kernel as small as possible. It delegates most services, such as device drivers, file systems, etc., to user-space processes (also called servers or services).

Examples of operating systems using a microkernel:

  • MINIX: Initially designed as an educational tool, MINIX employs a microkernel architecture, where most traditional kernel functions are moved to user space.

  • QNX: QNX is another operating system that uses a microkernel architecture, focusing on real-time performance and reliability.



  1. Complexity: Monolithic kernels tend to be more complex as they encompass various functionalities within the kernel space, while microkernels aim for simplicity by keeping the kernel minimal and moving many functions to user space.

  2. Security and Stability: Microkernels often emphasize better isolation and fault tolerance since many services run in user space, reducing the impact of a failure. Monolithic kernels, due to their integrated nature, might suffer more from a failure in a critical component.

  3. Performance: Monolithic kernels can offer better performance due to direct access to system resources, while microkernels might incur more overhead due to inter-process communication between user-space services.

Both architectures have their advantages and trade-offs, and their effectiveness often depends on the specific use case and design goals of the operating system.

Communication in Microkernel

IPC for exchanging messages

  • A message for transferring data between processes

  • Message registers used by Message passing

In a microkernel-based operating system, communication between various components, processes, and services is crucial since many functionalities that are traditionally part of the kernel in a monolithic design are moved to user space. This communication primarily happens through inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms.

There are several ways communication occurs in a microkernel architecture:

  1. Message Passing:

    • Message passing is a fundamental mechanism in microkernels. It allows processes or services to exchange information by sending and receiving messages.

    • Processes communicate with each other or with specific kernel services using messages. These messages often contain commands, requests, or data to be shared.

  2. Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs):

    • RPCs enable processes in user space to call functions or procedures residing in other processes as if they were local function calls. This mechanism abstracts the communication, making it appear as a local function call even though the function is in a different process.

  3. Shared Memory:

    • While microkernels emphasize message passing, some implementations may utilize shared memory for faster communication between processes when necessary. However, shared memory can pose challenges related to security and synchronization.

  4. Ports and Channels:

    • Microkernel architectures often implement communication channels or ports through which processes can send and receive messages. These channels act as communication endpoints, allowing controlled interaction between processes or services.

  5. Inter-Process Communication Libraries:

    • Various libraries and APIs are provided within microkernel-based systems to facilitate communication between processes or between user-space services and the microkernel. These libraries abstract the underlying mechanisms, making communication easier for developers.

  6. Synchronization and Security Measures:

    • Given that services and components are in separate address spaces, synchronization and security measures are critical. Mechanisms like message queues, semaphores, access control, and encryption are employed to ensure secure and synchronized communication.

Microkernel-based systems emphasize modularity, fault isolation, and separation of concerns. As a result, communication mechanisms are essential for coordinating and enabling collaboration among various components, processes, and services while maintaining system stability and security.

Modular Kernel

Hybrid between monolithic kernel and microkernel

Stable and overall good performance

Comprises many modules, each delicated to a specific task

Loading modules when needed

A modular kernel refers to an operating system kernel design that allows its functionalities to be separated into distinct modules or components, often loaded or unloaded dynamically as needed. This modularity enhances flexibility, scalability, and maintainability in the kernel by enabling the addition or removal of features without rebooting the entire system.

Let's illustrate the concept of a modular kernel with an example:

Linux Kernel Modules:

The Linux kernel is a prime example of a modular kernel architecture. It supports the use of loadable kernel modules (LKMs) that can be dynamically loaded into the running kernel or unloaded from it.

  1. Dynamic Loading and Unloading:

    • Various functionalities in Linux, such as device drivers, file systems, networking protocols, and more, are implemented as separate modules.

    • For instance, a device driver for a specific hardware component (e.g., a Wi-Fi adapter) can be compiled as a separate module.

    • These modules are not part of the core kernel image but can be dynamically loaded into the running kernel when required. For example:

      insmod <module_name>  // Load a module
  2. Example: Device Driver Module:

    • Suppose there's a need to support a new hardware device (e.g., a USB webcam) that isn't natively supported by the kernel. Instead of recompiling the entire kernel, a new device driver module can be developed and loaded dynamically:

      insmod webcam_driver.ko  // Load the webcam driver module
  3. Kernel Module Management:

    • The modprobe or rmmod commands in Linux are used to manage kernel modules:

      modprobe <module_name>  // Load a module and its dependencies
      rmmod <module_name>     // Unload a module
  4. Benefits of Modular Kernel:

    • Flexibility: Kernel modules offer flexibility by allowing support for new hardware or features without recompiling the entire kernel.

    • Resource Management: Modules can be loaded or unloaded dynamically, optimizing resource usage based on the current system requirements.

    • Ease of Maintenance: Modular design simplifies maintenance and updates as individual components can be updated independently without affecting the entire kernel.

The modular approach in the Linux kernel architecture enhances its adaptability to diverse hardware configurations and evolving software requirements, providing an efficient and scalable foundation for the operating system.


NesC (Network Embedded Systems C) is a programming language specifically designed for programming embedded systems and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It was developed as part of the TinyOS project, a widely used open-source operating system for WSNs.

Here are key aspects and features of NesC:

  1. Component-Based Programming:

    • NesC follows a component-based programming paradigm, where the system is constructed using reusable and composable components. Components encapsulate functionality and interact through well-defined interfaces.

  2. Concurrency and Asynchronous Programming:

    • NesC is designed to handle asynchronous events common in embedded systems and sensor networks. It provides abstractions to manage concurrency and asynchronous communication between components.

  3. Event-Driven Model:

    • The language is event-driven, allowing developers to define event handlers that respond to external events, such as sensor readings, communication events, or timers.

  4. Concurrency Control:

    • NesC provides constructs like commands and events to handle concurrency and ensure safe communication between components, allowing for efficient resource utilization.

  5. Modularity and Code Reusability:

    • NesC emphasizes modularity and code reusability by promoting the creation of small, self-contained components that can be easily combined and reused in different contexts.

  6. Efficient Resource Management:

    • Due to the resource-constrained nature of embedded systems and WSNs, NesC focuses on efficient resource management, minimizing memory usage and energy consumption.

  7. Integration with TinyOS:

    • NesC is tightly integrated with the TinyOS operating system, which is specifically designed for WSNs. Programs written in NesC are compiled into TinyOS-compatible binaries.

  8. Abstraction for Hardware Interfaces:

    • NesC provides abstractions for hardware interfaces, enabling programmers to interact with sensors, actuators, and other hardware components without delving into low-level details.

NesC was created to address the unique challenges posed by resource-constrained and event-driven embedded systems, making it a suitable language for developing applications in wireless sensor networks and other similar environments. Its design emphasizes modularity, concurrency, and efficiency, facilitating the development of robust and scalable applications for IoT and sensor network deployments.

Here's a simple example in NesC demonstrating a basic application involving components and event handling:

Suppose we have two components, a "Sensor" component that generates simulated sensor readings and a "Handler" component that processes these readings.

// Sensor.nc
module Sensor {
  provides interface Readings;
  uses interface Timer as Timer;

implementation {
  task void Sensor.timerFired() {
    // Simulated sensor reading
    int reading = simulateSensorReading();
    // Send reading to the handler
    call Readings.newReading(reading);
  event int simulateSensorReading() {
    // Simulated sensor generates a random reading
    return (int)(Math.random() * 100);
  // Set up the timer for periodic readings
  event void Boot.booted() {
    call Timer.startPeriodic(500); // Simulate readings every 500 ms

The above code represents the "Sensor" component. It uses an internal timer to periodically generate simulated sensor readings and sends these readings to the "Handler" component.

Now, let's define the "Handler" component that processes these readings:

// Handler.nc
module Handler {
  uses interface Readings;

implementation {
  event void Readings.newReading(int reading) {
    // Process the incoming sensor reading
  void processReading(int reading) {
    // Simple processing: print the reading
    printf("Received sensor reading: %d\n", reading);

In this example, the "Handler" component receives the sensor readings from the "Sensor" component through the Readings interface. Upon receiving a new reading event, it simply processes and prints the received sensor reading.

This code snippet illustrates the basic structure of NesC programs using components, interfaces, events, and event handling mechanisms. NesC's component-based approach and event-driven model facilitate the development of applications for embedded systems and wireless sensor networks.

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