Linux Application

Installing ROS 2 and the micro-ROS build system

First of all, install ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill on your Ubuntu 22.04 LTS computer. To do so from binaries, via Debian packages, follow the instructions detailed here.

TIP: Alternatively, you can use a docker container with a fresh ROS 2 Humble installation. The one that serves the purpose is the container run by the command:

docker run -it --net=host -v /dev:/dev --privileged ros:humble

Once you have a ROS 2 installation in the computer, follow these steps to install the micro-ROS build system:

# Source the ROS 2 installation
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash

# Create a workspace and download the micro-ROS tools
mkdir microros_ws
cd microros_ws
git clone -b $ROS_DISTRO src/micro_ros_setup

# Update dependencies using rosdep
sudo apt update && rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y

# Install pip
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

# Build micro-ROS tools and source them
colcon build
source install/local_setup.bash

Creating a new firmware workspace

Once the build system is installed, let’s create a firmware workspace that targets all the required code and tools:

# Create firmware step
ros2 run micro_ros_setup host

Once the command is executed, a folder named firmware must be present in your workspace.

This step is in charge, among other things, of downloading a set of micro-ROS apps for Linux, that are located at src/uros/micro-ROS-demos/rclc. Each app is represented by a folder containing the following files:

  • main.c: This file contains the logic of the application.

  • CMakeLists.txt: This is the CMake file containing the script to compile the application.

For the user to create a custom application, a folder <my_app> will need to be registered in this location, containing the two files just described. Also, any such new application folder needs to be registered in src/uros/micro-ROS-demos/rclc/CMakeLists.txt by adding the following line:


In this tutorial, we will focus on the out-of-the-box ping_pong application located at src/uros/micro-ROS-demos/rclc/ping_pong. You can check the complete content of this app here.

This example showcases a micro-ROS node with two publisher-subscriber pairs associated with a ping and a pong topics, respectively. The node sends a ping package with a unique identifier, using a ping publisher. If the ping subscriber receives a ping from an external node, the pong publisher responds to the incoming ping with a pong. To test that this logic is correctly functioning, we implement communication with a ROS 2 node that:

  • Listens to the topics published by the ping subscriber.

  • Publishes a fake_ping package, that is received by the micro-ROS ping subscriber. As a consequence, the pong publisher on the micro-ROS application will publish a pong, to signal that it received the fake_ping correctly.

The diagram below clarifies the communication flow between these entities:

The contents of the host app specific files can be found here: main.c and CMakeLists.txt. A thorough review of these files is illustrative of how to create a micro-ROS app in this RTOS.

#include <rcl/rcl.h>
#include <rcl/error_handling.h>
#include <rclc/rclc.h>
#include <rclc/executor.h>

#include <std_msgs/msg/header.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>


#define RCCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){printf("Failed status on line %d: %d. Aborting.\n",__LINE__,(int)temp_rc); return 1;}}
#define RCSOFTCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){printf("Failed status on line %d: %d. Continuing.\n",__LINE__,(int)temp_rc);}}

rcl_publisher_t ping_publisher;
rcl_publisher_t pong_publisher;
rcl_subscription_t ping_subscriber;
rcl_subscription_t pong_subscriber;

std_msgs__msg__Header incoming_ping;
std_msgs__msg__Header outcoming_ping;
std_msgs__msg__Header incoming_pong;

int device_id;
int seq_no;
int pong_count;

void ping_timer_callback(rcl_timer_t * timer, int64_t last_call_time)
	(void) last_call_time;

	if (timer != NULL) {

		seq_no = rand();
		sprintf(, "%d_%d", seq_no, device_id);
		outcoming_ping.frame_id.size = strlen(;
		// Fill the message timestamp
		struct timespec ts;
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
		outcoming_ping.stamp.sec = ts.tv_sec;
		outcoming_ping.stamp.nanosec = ts.tv_nsec;

		// Reset the pong count and publish the ping message
		pong_count = 0;
		RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&ping_publisher, (const void*)&outcoming_ping, NULL));
		printf("Ping send seq %s\n",;  

void ping_subscription_callback(const void * msgin)
	const std_msgs__msg__Header * msg = (const std_msgs__msg__Header *)msgin;

	// Dont pong my own pings
	if(strcmp(, msg-> != 0){
		printf("Ping received with seq %s. Answering.\n", msg->;
		RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&pong_publisher, (const void*)msg, NULL));

void pong_subscription_callback(const void * msgin)
	const std_msgs__msg__Header * msg = (const std_msgs__msg__Header *)msgin;

	if(strcmp(, msg-> == 0) {
			printf("Pong for seq %s (%d)\n", msg->, pong_count);

int main()
	rcl_allocator_t allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
	rclc_support_t support;

	// create init_options
	RCCHECK(rclc_support_init(&support, 0, NULL, &allocator));

	// create node
	rcl_node_t node;
	RCCHECK(rclc_node_init_default(&node, "pingpong_node", "", &support));

	// Create a reliable ping publisher
	RCCHECK(rclc_publisher_init_default(&ping_publisher, &node, ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs, msg, Header), "/microROS/ping"));

	// Create a best effort pong publisher
	RCCHECK(rclc_publisher_init_best_effort(&pong_publisher, &node, ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs, msg, Header), "/microROS/pong"));

	// Create a best effort ping subscriber
	RCCHECK(rclc_subscription_init_best_effort(&ping_subscriber, &node, ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs, msg, Header), "/microROS/ping"));

	// Create a best effort  pong subscriber
	RCCHECK(rclc_subscription_init_best_effort(&pong_subscriber, &node, ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs, msg, Header), "/microROS/pong"));

	// Create a 3 seconds ping timer timer,
	rcl_timer_t timer;
	RCCHECK(rclc_timer_init_default(&timer, &support, RCL_MS_TO_NS(2000), ping_timer_callback));

	// Create executor
	rclc_executor_t executor = rclc_executor_get_zero_initialized_executor();
	RCCHECK(rclc_executor_init(&executor, &support.context, 3, &allocator));
	RCCHECK(rclc_executor_add_timer(&executor, &timer));
	RCCHECK(rclc_executor_add_subscription(&executor, &ping_subscriber, &incoming_ping, &ping_subscription_callback, ON_NEW_DATA));
	RCCHECK(rclc_executor_add_subscription(&executor, &pong_subscriber, &incoming_pong, &pong_subscription_callback, ON_NEW_DATA));

	// Create and allocate the pingpong messages

	char outcoming_ping_buffer[STRING_BUFFER_LEN]; = outcoming_ping_buffer;
	outcoming_ping.frame_id.capacity = STRING_BUFFER_LEN;

	char incoming_ping_buffer[STRING_BUFFER_LEN]; = incoming_ping_buffer;
	incoming_ping.frame_id.capacity = STRING_BUFFER_LEN;

	char incoming_pong_buffer[STRING_BUFFER_LEN]; = incoming_pong_buffer;
	incoming_pong.frame_id.capacity = STRING_BUFFER_LEN;

	device_id = rand();

	RCCHECK(rcl_publisher_fini(&ping_publisher, &node));
	RCCHECK(rcl_publisher_fini(&pong_publisher, &node));
	RCCHECK(rcl_subscription_fini(&ping_subscriber, &node));
	RCCHECK(rcl_subscription_fini(&pong_subscriber, &node));

Building the firmware

Once the app has been created, the build step is in order. Notice that, with respect to the four-steps workflow delined above, we would expect a configuration step to happen before building the app. However, given that we are compiling micro-ROS in the host machine rather than in a board, the cross-compilation implemented by the configuration step is not required in this case. We can therefore proceed to build the firmware and source the local installation:

# Build step
ros2 run micro_ros_setup
source install/local_setup.bash

Creating the micro-ROS agent

The micro-ROS app is now ready to be connected to a micro-ROS agent to start talking with the rest of the ROS 2 world. To do that, let’s first of all create a micro-ROS agent:

# Download micro-ROS-Agent packages
ros2 run micro_ros_setup

Now, let’s build the agent packages and, when this is done, source the installation:

# Build step
ros2 run micro_ros_setup
source install/local_setup.bash

Running the micro-ROS app

At this point, you have both the client and the agent correctly installed in your host machine.

To give micro-ROS access to the ROS 2 dataspace, run the agent:

# Run a micro-ROS agent
ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent udp4 --port 8888


arcslab@arcslab-XPS-8950:~/microros_ws$ ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent udp4 --port 8888
[1703736015.241785] info     | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | init                     | running...             | port: 8888
[1703736015.241903] info     | Root.cpp           | set_verbose_level        | logger setup           | verbose_level: 4

And then, in another command line, run the micro-ROS node (remember sourcing the ROS 2 and micro-ROS installations, and setting the RMW Micro XRCE-DDS implementation):

source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
source install/local_setup.bash

# Use RMW Micro XRCE-DDS implementation
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_microxrcedds

# Run a micro-ROS node
ros2 run micro_ros_demos_rclc ping_pong


Testing the micro-ROS app

Now, we want to check that everything is working.

Open a new command line. We are going to listen to the ping topic with ROS 2 to check whether the micro-ROS Ping Pong node is correctly publishing the expected pings:

source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash

# Subscribe to micro-ROS ping topic
ros2 topic echo /microROS/ping


user@user:~$ ros2 topic echo /microROS/ping
  sec: 20
  nanosec: 867000000
frame_id: '1344887256_1085377743'
  sec: 25
  nanosec: 942000000
frame_id: '730417256_1085377743'

Last updated