Fast DDS and Cyclone DDS are both implementations of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard, which is a middleware protocol for real-time, scalable, and interoperable communication in distributed systems. They are commonly used in the context of ROS 2 (Robot Operating System 2) for communication between robotic components.

While Fast DDS and Cyclone DDS are both DDS implementations designed for ROS 2, they do have some differences in terms of features, design philosophy, and community support. Here are a few points of distinction:

  1. Underlying Protocol:

    • Fast DDS: It uses the Fast RTPS (Real-Time Publish Subscribe) protocol as its communication protocol. Fast RTPS is known for its efficiency and low-latency characteristics.

    • Cyclone DDS: It uses its own communication protocol, which is designed to be modular and extensible. The focus is on providing a flexible and adaptable communication framework.

  2. Design Philosophy:

    • Fast DDS: It is designed with a focus on performance and efficiency. The architecture is optimized for low-latency communication, making it suitable for real-time systems and robotics applications.

    • Cyclone DDS: It is designed with modularity and extensibility in mind. The goal is to provide a flexible framework that can be easily customized and extended to meet specific requirements.

  3. Integration with ROS 2:

    • Fast DDS: It is well-integrated with ROS 2 and is the default middleware for ROS 2 communication. It provides tools and APIs that make it easy to work with ROS 2 applications.

    • Cyclone DDS: It is also integrated with ROS 2 and aims to provide seamless communication within the ROS 2 ecosystem. It emphasizes modularity to allow users to adapt it to their specific needs.

  4. Community and Support:

    • Fast DDS: It has a strong and active community, with good documentation and support. Being part of the Eclipse Foundation ensures a level of stability and governance.

    • Cyclone DDS: It is supported by the Eclipse Foundation as well, and it has its own community. Regular updates and support can be expected.

  5. Licensing:

    • Both Fast DDS and Cyclone DDS are released under the Apache 2.0 license, which is permissive and allows for commercial use and modification.

When choosing between Fast DDS and Cyclone DDS, it's essential to consider specific project requirements, performance goals, and the level of customization needed. Both implementations have proven to be reliable choices for ROS 2 applications.

Last updated